I started making jewelry to keep up with my underwater lifestyle.

A swimmer since I was very young, and a diver for nearly a decade, I spend a lot of time in the ocean. On my adventures under the sea (and sometimes on land), my personal jewelry collection began to break or tarnish. I didn’t want to worry about remembering to take off my treasures before heading underwater, so I decided to make my own jewelry to wear in and out of the water.

Many shells, silversmithing lessons, and underwater excursions later, I fell absolutely in love with turning my shell collection into high-quality, beautiful, and durable pieces. Now I get to share my findings with you!

Diver. Captain. Part-time fish.

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All the jewelry I make is inspired by my love and passion for the ocean and its many creatures and inhabitants. Every single shell you see in my shop was personally found by me on the ocean floor or beach and turned into wearable treasures with my own two hands locally on O’ahu, Hawai’i. Ethical sourcing is very important to the work that I do. No marine life is harmed in the process of collecting the shells I use in my designs.